PTUN Suspends Rimba Raya License Revocation (PR)

PTUN Suspends Rimba Raya License Revocation (PR)

Jakarta, May 16, 2024 – PT. Rimba Raya Conservation (Rimba Raya) welcomes the granting of its petition for the  suspension of the implementation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Decree No: SK.1028/MENLHK/SETJEN/HPL.1/9/2023 dated September 15, 2023, through the Interim Decision No. 1 of the State Administrative Court (PTUN). This decision was rendered on Thursday, May 16, 2024, after a series of hearings that has considered various evidence and arguments from Rimba Raya.

This suspension decision is a significant and meaningful step for Rimba Raya in its efforts to continue the restoration and conservation functions it has developed and implemented in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan.

“This decision gives us the opportunity to continue our restoration and conservation efforts to maintain the sustainability of the forest and ecosystem in Seruyan, Central Kalimantan,” said Haryo Ajie Dewanto, Technical Director of PT. Rimba Raya Conservation. “We are grateful to all parties who supported us throughout this process. Despite the reduced size of our team, Rimba Raya will strive to optimize its functions and ensure the welfare of the community by involving them in the protection of forest and land areas in Seruyan Regency.”

Rimba Raya has been implementing various programs for the protection of forest and land areas and community empowerment, benefiting the communities around the Seruyan River and the Seruyan forest ecosystem. With this suspension decision, Rimba Raya is committed to optimally strengthen these programs.

The suspension decision provides a positive signal for the spirit of ecosystem restoration and conservation in Indonesia, demonstrating that the commitment to environmental preservation must continue to be fought for. Rimba Raya hopes that the judicial process at PTUN will proceed smoothly until the issuance of a final decision. Rimba Raya looks forward to collaborating again with the government, communities, and other relevant partners to achieve shared goals in maintaining environmental sustainability in Indonesia.

About PT. Rimba Raya Conservation (Rimba Raya)

An initiative dedicated for peatland and forest ecosystem restoration in Central Borneo, Indonesia.
Committed to Restoration and Conservation through the Strategy of Empowered Communities, Healthy Forests, Conserved Climate.

From Vritimes


Author: VRITimes

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